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Social Enterprise Profit Pros/Cons

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

Social enterprises are businesses that aim to create social or environmental impact while also generating revenue. As such, it's not uncommon for social enterprises to make a profit. However, the question of whether a social enterprise should make a profit for its owners is a contentious one, with valid arguments on both sides

Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of a social enterprise making a profit for its owners.


Sustainability: Making a profit allows a social enterprise to sustain itself and grow over time. Without profit, a social enterprise may struggle to pay its bills or invest in new projects or products that could increase its impact.

Incentives: Profit can provide incentives for owners and employees to work harder and be more innovative. It can also attract investors who may not be interested in donating but would be willing to invest in a company that has a chance of generating a financial return.

Reinvestment: Owners can use profits to reinvest in the social enterprise, funding new projects or expanding its impact. This can help a social enterprise achieve its goals faster and at a larger scale.


Mission drift: Making a profit can lead to mission drift, where a social enterprise prioritizes financial gain over social or environmental impact. This can be particularly problematic if the social enterprise is working in a space where there is already significant profit to be made, such as in green energy or organic food.

Accountability: A social enterprise that makes a profit for its owners may be less accountable to its stakeholders, including customers, employees, and the community. Without a clear commitment to transparency and accountability, a social enterprise risks losing the trust of those it seeks to serve.

Inequality: When profits are distributed among owners, it can create inequality within the social enterprise. This can be particularly problematic if the social enterprise is focused on reducing inequality or promoting social justice.

The decision of whether a social enterprise should make a profit for its owners depends on the specific context and goals of the enterprise. While profit can provide sustainability, incentives, and the ability to reinvest, it can also lead to mission drift, reduced accountability, and inequality. As such, social enterprises should carefully consider their values and mission when making decisions about profit.

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